Sunday, November 15, 2015


In my exploration of tools that are ideal for flipping your classroom (re-read my post about flipped classrooms here), I'm now utilizing photo story applications.  There are a number of sites and online tools available that can organize photos in a cool presentation format.  However, I tried out Animoto and really enjoyed it.

I created a photo story on food vocabulary using Animoto.  It was very simple and the final product came out great.  You can check out my Animoto post here.  I feel this would be something my students would enjoy and engage them at their level.  I also think that creating a photo story would be a good assignment for the students themselves.  Some performance indicators my students could demonstrate would be their ability to create and understand Chinese as well as being able to display their grasp of vocabulary comprehension (to see the specific performance indicators, click here and go to page 8 of the PDF).  I could assess their work by evaluating the complexity of their vocabulary as well as if relevant photos were used based on the topic and vocabulary.

I hope you enjoy the Animoto presentation and learn some Mandarin!

1 comment:

  1. Your own photo story is fine, but want students to create photo stories, so you need to be specific about the performance indicators you are looking for and link to where you found them. You also need to provide the students with a rubric to follow when they are creating their photo stories as this will help them know what you expect and will help you evaluate what they have done. Remember that rubrics should contain objectively scorable indicators.
