Monday, September 28, 2015

Diigo vs. Pinterest

If you're a casual surfer of the net, then you know from time to time you come across a site or webpage that you would like save.  How do you do it?  Since I can remember, I would always save these pages under "My Favorites" in my internet browser in case I want to come back later.  However, there are several inconveniences that this method of holding onto the webpages you visit cause.  First, depending on the browser you use, it may not be as simple to keep track of the webpages you like.  It seems that all the browsers place their "favorites" button in a different position on your window.  Secondly, trying to retrieve these sites can be confusing.  Plus, if you're anything like me, no matter how much you like the site that you saved to your favorites, there's a good chance you'll end up forgetting about it.  Putting it in your favorites is almost like hiding that favorite shirt of yours in the extra closet: out of sight, out of mind.   Third, if you should decide to use another computer or even another browser, you can't access those favorite sites, unless you have an amazing memory.

To remedy these issues, the two most popular options are Diigo and Pinterest.  Both allow you to save your favorite webpages.  But since both are online platforms, you can access your saved sites from anywhere, anytime.  With the clever integration options both Diigo and Pinterest offer, it makes saving and accessing your webpages easy.  So what's the difference between the two and which one do I like better?

I would say the most noticeable difference between the two is the interface itself.  Diigo creates a list of the webpages you save in a very simple, easy to use platform.  Pinterest, while also easy to use, has a very beautiful interface that's pleasing to the eye and personalized to your interests.  It feels more like a social media site versus Diigo, which is a "library" of your favorite sites.

My pick: Pinterest.  Besides the cool interface, the visuals for each of your pins makes it clear what each site is about.  Plus, being able to utilize your boards, which is pins ordered by the topic you select, allows for your pins to be organized and easily accessible.  Plus, it's very easy to share with friends, whether through social media or directly via email.  Finally, while Diigo does provide suggested sites, Pinterest is able to generate suggestions based on your interests and topics searched. 

I look forward to sharing the many things I find on the web with you all.  Those findings will likely be kept in my Pinterest :)

1 comment:

  1. I always find people's reasons for preferring one site over the other quite interesting. Thanks for sharing your choice of Pinterest and why you prefer it.
